The Recipe for Learning Quickly or rather Kwikly

Lessons from Jim Kwik: Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster

Karen Bajador Valencia
7 min readApr 3, 2022
Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

How often do you say, “I have so many things to learn but have so little time!”. I feel like there is not a day that I haven’t complained about it. I felt like I am often running out of time to accomplish a goal. The ability to learn fast is one of the most important skills to have in my field of work. As a consultant in Cloud and Data, I am expected to up-skill constantly because innovation in this industry is just ridiculously moving at a very fast pace. There are also other aspects that I want to learn about outside of my profession — investing, entrepreneurship, bookkeeping, trading, some topics about history and science… and the list goes on.

If I find a lamp from which I can summon a genie and get three wishes, my first wish would be — to learn with incredible speed! I am exactly referring to the movie “The Matrix” where Neo, Trinity and Morpheus only needed to download a program that takes a few seconds to instantly learn Kung Fu or even drive a helicopter! How convenient that can be, isn’t it?

In a realistic setting though, I would normally take advantage of a more accessible learning platform like Youtube to satisfy my curiosity. A quick search led me to Jim Kwik’s talk about Unleashing your Super



Karen Bajador Valencia

I write about Cloud and Data Engineering, Blockchain, Personal Finance and Personal Development.